Sunday, November 13, 2005

MSN Money - 9 ways to look rich but live cheap

This article, vary useful by the way, shows you how to "live cheap, look rich", something we all desire to do although not having a penny in our pockets, but hey, at least you`ll know what to do when you DO have that penny. ;) Check it out...

" Want to look as if you’re living a wealthier lifestyle than you actually are? Me too! In fact, I come from a long line of frugal women who obeyed the motto: “Live well, look rich and never let the world know how little you're really paid.” An excellent philosophy, which can be summed up as “Live cheap, look rich.”

Sure, I daydream about having millions to throw around -- and so do you. (Americans spend about $25 billion each year on lottery tickets in fruitless pursuit of this dream.) But people who have mastered the Live Cheap, Look Rich way of life know that it’s not about having more money, it’s about getting more out of life for the money you have.

And looking (and feeling) well-heeled while you do it. “Just because you don’t have a fat wallet means you have to go without life’s pleasures,” says Shel Horowitz, author of “The Penny-Pinching Hedonist” and founder of the Web site. Here is a quick boot camp on how to cultivate a more affluent way of life without actually spending a lot of money on it..."

If you want to continue this interesting reading, click here.


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