Sunday, November 13, 2005

MSN Money - 5 lessons the rich can teach you

Yet another interesting article. This time it is on what the rich can teach you by what they do. I just read they give away more to charities than average people, ironic, huh? ;)

And it starts like this:

" Personally, I'm not sure how much the average person can learn from the Donald Trumps or George Soroses of the world.

We might envy their lifestyles or their bank accounts, but very, very few of us will ever approximate their wealth.

Most of us, though, have a shot at being millionaires. Last year the number of households worth $1 million, not counting their primary residence, grew 21% to 7.5 million, according to Chicago-based research firm Spectrem Group.

Studying the habits of this relatively large and growing group of affluent folks can teach us a lot. These people don't just have money; they treat it differently than people farther down the economic ladder..."

Keep reading it here.


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